Tuesday, April 29


For this past few days........ive got my strength back...........mungkin sbb i go for counselling session.....dgn sir mogan which is my addm3/m3 teachers!!! Apakah.......xkesahla...asalkan i learn how to let things go.....smoothly......xda org tahu pun....cuma aiman ja....sbb the urge to tell him what ive done those weeks i rasa i ptut bgtahu.....tp dia mcm xambik port ja....xpa xkesah pun as long i feel relieved.......lepas p counselling session.......bygkan crying dkt cgu laki.....and hes indian......giving me tissues.........lama jugakla that session........we both ja.....syukur time tu thiva tkp hntaq buku kat tmpat sir....kalau dak...dem my rahsia bocor redi T_T ntah rasa malasnya nakp skolah..........hadap manusia2 yg......................xfahamla.........alien ka.....depa ni.......i mean like i dont do anything wrong pun i guess u dah xda benda lain ka nak spread bad news pasal org.....i dont do that ok!!! Bila aku p cita buruk2 kat hg...hidup hg pun aku tktaw...u dont need to dumb me such.....stupidzzzZzzzz ...

Sometimes i feel i am right but infact i am totally wrong...mindset negatif sgt ya allah +_+ i let sir know everything...first time kot ckp "sir...saya....xmaw duduk 5sn2......saya xlaratla....smpai bila nak mcmni...smpai bila saya kdg2 nngis sorg2 fikir dorg...dorg dok syok2 kutuk org....." T_T ntah sir ckp dia tgok we all are fine.F.I.N.E........xtawla whether my minset is wrong atau dorg are right??? Sir ckp mindsetku.....negatif sgt....aiman pun......dayah ayu ali semua kata mindset tu negatif sgt...ive never meet ppl who is agrreing w me .....#sadlyf3 

All this while...........aku sabar ja.....jap sabar jap ja...bulan 11 xlama dah ni.....ni dah nak midyear og senak otak...study forever tak habis......masa tak ckup....tidoq byk...........tah tktaw la nk jd apa.......cgu2 semua bgus bukannya dak....diri sendiri ni yg malas sangat ya allah T_T 😑😩😩😩😩😩........smpaila sir ckp "how can ppl know ur problems when u urself dont know how to let go? And thats why u r so negative.u dont even know how to communicate w urself.to keep calm.stay calm.stay relax." Sbb i at the first diam ja...bila sir tnya...."are u ok" and i rplied "i am all fine.nothings wrong with it" sbb sir tegur "tahun ni i nmpk u jarang eh hantaq buku and ur marks pun quite disappointed" pstu sir ckp he believes in me.......believes i can follow others yg dapat banyak a.....p jauh2....study rajin2....keja tinggi2....sir caya i can do that....cuma sir agak tkejut sbb thun ni mcm different....so i tell semua.........thankyou sir sbb caya saya boleh buat.........saya.....terharu....xpnah kot org pndg tggi mcmtu.....slama ni org igt biasa2 ja.....xpa xkisah dgn pdgn org.ppl are different kan!! Xpa sir insyaAllah i'll try my best :)